首页 > 高三英语 > 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题...[高三][英语]


2021-12-11   答题:高三英语(武老师)


1How did the man find this place?

A.He read about it in a newspaper.

B.He saw an ad posted on the window.

C.He knew about it through the Internet.

2What is good about the apartment according to the woman?

A.It is conveniently located.

B.It has many rooms.

C.It is very affordable.






W: How did you find our place? From the Internet or the newspaper?

M: Oh, I saw a for-rent sign on your window. I am looking for a two-bedroom apartment.

W: You are in luck. We do have an apartment available for rent on the fifth floor, and I think it may be exactly what you’re looking for. It has two bedrooms, and the rent is quite reasonable. In fact, I don’t think you will be able to find a place like this or a price this low anywhere near here.

M: Really? Do you think I can take a look at it right now? I am really in a hurry to find a place.

W: Of course. Just give me a second, and I will get the key.
