首页 > 高三英语 > 完形填空I was coming back from home late at ...[高三][英语]

完形填空I was coming back from home late at ...[高三][英语]

2021-10-25   答题:高三英语(柳老师)

I was coming back from home late at night in a‘Sharing’mini van(厢式货车).In Hydera- bad,India,it is a cheap and quick form of 1 .The van driver picked up as many as 13 people at times in a vehicle which is 2 for the transport of 8.So our van was very3
Making her way to the 4 f the van,a school girl with a bag 5 the driver to stop.While getting down,she slipped and fell.None of us 6 it,as it was dark outside.The driver was 7 for her to pay.It was then that we saw that the girl was on her 8 by the side of the road.Another passenger and l got down9and held her up.
Even in 10 ,she held up a note and asked us to pay the driver.The other 11 passenger took the note and paid the driver.My 12 was a few hundred meters away.As a girl, I knew I’d get off and stay with her in the 13 .So I paid up the driver for 14 and he drove away with the other passengers.
I neither 15 her nor did I know what to do.But I was there,giving some 16 words to another girl in pain. I asked her to stand 17 for a few while.I then looked for a place for her to sit.Then I 18 her friend and waited there.She was rushed to a nearby clinic later.Before leaving,she thanked me for 19 and we hugged goodbye.
The night breezes were blowing 20 upon my cheek as I walked home,with a feeling of relief.
(1)A.1ife         B.transport   C.activity D.communication
(2)A.designed     B.bought      C.organized D.powered
(3)A.heavy       B.noisy   C.crowded   D.awkward
(4)A.driver       B.window C.door  D.seat
(5)A.guided      B.suggested C.admitted D.signaled
(6)A.noticed      B.managed C.recognized D.recognized
(7)A.caring        B.reaching  C.waiting D.planning
(8)A.back        B.knees C.feet      D.own
(9)A.immediately   B.doubtfully C.naturally D.anxiously
(10)A.silence      B.surprise C.vain      D.pain
(11)A.patient     B.helpful   C.generous  D.secret
(12)A.home         B.stop   C.car       D.school
(13)A.dark        B.rain        C.wind  D.van
(14)A.himself      B.herself C.myself   D.itself
(15)A.ignored      B.persuaded C.promised D.knew
(16)A.anxious     B.sorrow C.comforting  D.satisfying
(17)A.up          B.straight  C.still    D.out
(18)A.found       B.phoned C.brought  D.saw
(19)A.company     B.support  C.bravery D.convenience
(20)A.hard         B.happily C.willingly  D.gently


(2)A考查动词。A.designed 设计;B.bought买;C.organized 组织;D.powered促进。此处指每次司机用设计装8个人的厢式货车装13个人。故选A.
(6)A考查动词。A.noticed注意到;B.managed管理;C.recognized 认识到;D.stood站立。指小女孩下车后滑倒了,由于外面很黑我们谁都没注意到,故选A.
(7)C考查动词。A.caring关心;B.reaching 到达;C.waiting等待;D.planning计划。句意:司机等着女孩付车费,故选C.
(14)C考查代词。A.himself他自己;B.herself 她自己;C.myself我自己;D.itself它自己。句意:我就付了我的车费,司机拉着其他乘客开走了,故选C.
(15)D考查动词。A.ignored忽视;B.persuaded说服;C.promised 答应;D.knew知道。句意:我既不认识她也不知道该干什么。根据句意选D.
(18)B考查动词。A.found发现;B.phoned打电话;C.brought 带来;D.saw看见。此处指然后我给她朋友打了电话并陪她等着,故选B.
(19)A考查名词。A.company陪伴;B.support 支持;C.bravery勇敢;D.convenience便利。句意:在走之前,她感谢我的陪伴我们拥抱告别。故选A.
