首页 > 高二英语 > 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题...[高二][英语]


2021-11-15   答题:高二英语(瞿老师)


1What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.What job to do in the future.

B.Which professor to follow.

C.What abilities to possess.

2What subject does the man probably prefer?

A.History. B.Politics. C.Art.

3What do the woman’s parents expect her to be?

A.A restaurant manager. B.A politician. C.A teacher.

4What is the woman good at doing?

A.Dealing with people. B.Working with kids. C.Painting pictures.








M: My history professor says I should think about a job in politics. But I don’t think I’d make a good politician.

W: Why not?

M: You know me. I’m not good at dealing with people. And politicians have to work with people all the time.

W: That’s true. So what do you think you want to do?

M: I think I will be a good artist. I love painting pictures.

W: That reminds me of a problem I’m having. You know my parents have a restaurant, right? They want me to be the manager.

M: And you want to?

W: No way. A restaurant manager has to manage other people. It’d be terrible. I’m too disorganized. Honestly, I want to be a teacher because I like working with kids, and I’m good at it.

M: That’s true.
