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If you look on the Internet...[高三][英语]

2021-10-21   答题:高三英语(刘老师)

【题目】If you look on the Internet, you will see that almost every day of the year celebrates some kind of food. These “holidays” have become very popular across the United States. They give people a chance to enjoy something they might not eat normally, like National Onion (洋葱) Ring Day, for example. Food holidays also give restaurants and other businesses a chance to promote their products.

But where did these American “holidays” come from? Many are the invention of an Alabama man, John-Bryan Hopkins. He writes about food for his Foodimentary. com website. Hopkins told Time magazine that when he began his site in 2006, there were only 175 “holidays.” “I filled in the rest,” he said.

The National Day Calendar has a list of all the different food and non-food related “holidays.” In the past, the website used to let anyone create their own day—for a price. But now, the site only accepts requests from businesses and other organizations.

While some food “holidays” are indeed made-up, many have historical roots. For example, National Beer Day on April 7 marks the end of a U. S. ban on the production, transport, import and sale of alcoholic drinks. The ban lasted from 1920 until 1933.

The Salvation Army, a Christian group, launched U. S. National Doughnut Day on June 1, 1938. It was meant to honor women who served soldiers doughnuts during World War I.

But not everyone likes food holidays. Bethany Jean Clement is a food writer for the Seattle Times newspaper. She wrote, “I get that some people might be excited by, say, National Doughnut Day. But you really can have a doughnut any day you want!”

Tavi Juarez, also of Foodimentary. com, thinks national food holidays are here to stay. She told the Seattle Times, “In my modest opinion, I believe that food holidays will continue to grow in popularity online because there’s a lot of negativity (消极) out there. Why not choose to celebrate food instead?”

1Why does the website accept others’ own day?

A. To promote traditional food.    B. To make money.

C. To create new holidays.    D. To attract more viewers.

2What is National Beer Day related to?

A. Law.    B. War.

C. Right.    D. Custom.

3Who dislikes food holidays?

A. John-Bryan Hopkins.    B. The Salvation Army.

C. Bethany Jean Clement.    D. Tavi Juarez.

4Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. Good Chances to Enjoy Particular Foods.

B. Traditional American Foods on the Internet.

C. Tricks of Businesses: Promotion of Products.

D. National Food Days: An American Tradition.







【解析】本文介绍美国的传统节日National Food Days。


细节理解题根据第三段中In the past, the website used to let anyone create their own day—for a price.可知是为了挣钱。故选B。


推理判断题。根据第四段中National Beer Day on April 7 marks the end of a U. S. ban on the production, transport, import and sale of alcoholic drinks. The ban lasted from 1920 until 1933.根据ban可知National Beer Day涉及到法律。故选A。


推理判断题。根据倒数第二段But not everyone likes food holidays. Bethany Jean Clement is a food writer for the Seattle Times newspaper.----But you really can have a doughnut any day you want!”可知Bethany Jean Clement不喜欢食物假日。故选C。


主旨大意题。根据第一段第一、二句If you look on the Internet, you will see that almost every day of the year celebrates some kind of food. These “holidays” have become very popular across the United States.可知National Food Days是美国的一个传统节日。故选D。
