首页 > 高一英语 > 语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)...[高一][英语]


2021-09-17   答题:高一英语(邓老师)



Nearly all of us have dreamed about winning the big prize in a lottery(彩票). We dream about   【1】  we would do with the money, but we seldom stop to think about how the money would change us.

For most of us, our way of life is 2  (close) connected with our social economy. The different parts of 3  lives fit together like a jigsaw(拼板) — work, home, friends, hobbies and sports make up our world. A sudden fortune would change it all and break the jigsaw. For example, some people like the idea   4  not having to work, but winners have found that without work there is no reason to get up in the morning. It seems great   5  (move) to a bigger house in a wealthy area,   6  if you do that, you leave old friends behind.

Usually, winners   7  (advise) not to make their addresses and phone numbers known, but begging letters still arrive. 8  they are not careful, most of their money will be spent   9  the   【10  (protect) of their possessions(财产).







【5】to move


【7】are advised






【1】what    考查代词。句意:我们梦想着用得来的钱干什么。根据句意,故填what

【2】closely    考查副词。句意:对我们多数人来说,生活方式和社会经济紧密联系。此处修饰动词connected要用副词,故填closely

【3】our    考查代词。句意:我们的生活像一块拼板由不同部分粘在一起。此处修饰名词lives指“我们的生活”要用形容词性物主代词,故填our

【4】of    考查介词。此处指不去工作的想法,表示“…of,故填of

【5】to move    考查动词不定式。句中it是形式主语不定式做真正主语,指搬进富有区的大房子似乎很棒。故填to move

【6】but    考查连词。上句讲搬进富有区的大房子似乎很棒,下句讲如果你那样做就离开了老朋友们。前后句是转折关系,故填but

【7】are advised    考查时态语态。全文时态是现在时,主语winners和动词advise是被动关系故填are advised

【8】If    考查连词。句意:如果不小心,他们多数的钱会花在保护财产上。表示假设,故填if.

【9】on    考查介词。spend on“在…上花费……”,故填on

【10】protection    考查名词。此处前面有the特指,后面有of,故此处要用名词,此处指财产的保护,故填protection
