首页 > 高三英语 > 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题...[高三][英语]


2021-12-11   答题:高三英语(童老师)


1What are the two speakers talking about?

A.Why to recycle. B.How to recycle. C.What to recycle.

2How does the woman recycle newspapers?

A.By cleaning tables.

B.By wrapping bottles and cans.

C.By starting a fire for her fireplace.

3What do we know about the man?

A.He will take useless things to the recycling centre.

B.He often warms himself with a fireplace.

C.He washes his windows twice a year.







W: Eddy, do you recycle?

M: No, I don’t. I don’t know how. I need help with figuring out the way to reuse things.

W: Then you are asking the right person. I recycle newspapers, plastic water bottles, juice bottles and cans.

M: Really? Tell me how you recycle your newspapers.

W: Many ways, I recycle my newspapers by using them to wash windows, wrap presents and...

M: Wait. How can newspapers be used to wash windows?

W: Yes, of course. You should try it.

M: But I only do my windows once a year.

W: Well, I also save toilet paper rolls and tightly roll newspapers into the paper rolls to start a fire for our fireplace.

M: But I don’t have a fireplace.

W: Then you can send your used newspapers to the recycling centre. You know, old newspapers can be recycled and made into newspapers again.

M: Yes, at least I can save some trees.
