首页 > 初二英语 > 某次地震后,几位同学正在讲述他们的经历。请根据下面的提示写一篇短文...[八年级][英语]


2021-10-28   答题:初二英语(俞老师)



Kate: do homework, look for her little brother

Andy: a noon break, bed, shake(摇晃), get out

Bob: play basketball, stop, safe place

Lisa: shop, things fall down, run out

It was really a terrible earthquake. When it happened, ________________________________



【答案】It was a really terrible earthquake. When it happened, Kate was doing homework. Then she went to look for her little brother everywhere. Luckily, she found him at last. Andy was having a noon break on his bed. When he felt the house was shaking, he got out quickly. Bob was playing basketball at that time. So he stopped at once and ran to a safe place. Lisa was shopping in a supermarket. When she found everything falling down from the shelves, she ran out of the supermarket right away. What an unusual experience they had!

